Archive for the ‘Non-fiction’ Category

Specter or Delusion: The Supernatural in Gothic Fiction (Studies in Speculative Fiction, No 15)

Narrative structure of Gothic novels often affects whether or not the characters and the reader believe in the reality of the supernatural events in the story. Using Todorov’s theory of “the fantastic” and focusing on possibly unreliable narrators, this book analyzes several Gothic novels from the late 18th and early 19th century as well as FRANKENSTEIN, Le Fanu’s CARMILLA, Bulwer-Lytton’s A STRANGE STORY, and DRACULA.

Note from the Publisher: This product is not a traditionally bound book. Many ProQuest UMI products are black-and-white reproductions of original publications produced through the Books On Demand ® program. Alternately, this product may be a photocopy of a dissertation or it may be a collection reproduced on microfiche or microfilm if it is intended for library purchase.

Shadow of a shade: A survey of vampirism in literature

A survey of the history of vampire fiction, from about 1800 to the 1970s. The essential elements of this out-of-print book were later incorporated into THE VAMPIRE IN LITERATURE: A CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY and DIFFERENT BLOOD: THE VAMPIRE AS ALIEN.

The Vampire in Literature: A Critical Bibliography (Studies in Speculative Fiction, No 21) From Book News, Inc.: Comprehensive bibliography (1000+ items) is preceded by three critical essays, two by the editor and one by Devendra P. Varma, a scholar of Dracula and vampirism. A timely release considering the upsurge of interest in this field, and well done. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Note from the Publisher: This product is not a traditionally bound book. Many ProQuest UMI products are black-and-white reproductions of original publications produced through the Books On Demand ® program. Alternately, this product may be a photocopy of a dissertation or it may be a collection reproduced on microfiche or microfilm if it is intended for library purchase.