Archive for the ‘Books and Short Stories’ Category

A midsummer sailboat race is coming to Annapolis, and Celia Rossi’s 1950s-themed ice cream parlor will have a booth at the waterfront celebration. To keep her business flourishing, she needs to impress both locals and tourists on the festive day. But how? She receives unexpected help when she hires a part-time worker who pops up out of nowhere. Suzie Conroy proves to have an almost magical gift for the craft of artisanal ice cream, yet she acts clueless about some ordinary details of everyday life. And why is she so determined to churn up the perfect batch of tutti frutti?

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When Val unearths a Japanese scroll and a cat figurine inherited from her grandfather, magic invades her world. The statuette, actually a cat spirit named Yuki—a yokai—enchanted into that form for her own protection, comes to life. Over a century ago, an evil magician cast a curse on her, and a wolf-like demon conjured by the curse still hunts her. Because Val is the one who broke the protective spell, that dark magic endangers her, too. She must turn for help to the last person she wants to get involved with, her former high-school boyfriend, now an officer in the Navy. Together they search for a way to vanquish the threat from the spirit realm, while facing the attraction they thought they’d long since put behind them.

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In three-novella collection Yokai Enchantments, in e-book or trade paperback.

A vampire-themed “Beauty and the Beast”: When Isobel’s neighbors sacrifice her sister as tribute to the mysterious “demon” who dwells in the nearby castle, Isobel offers herself as a substitute. Her new master, Reynard, proves very different from what she expected. As he preys on her body and ravishes her soul, she finds herself falling in love with a creature who isn’t even human. How can she endure the heartbreak when Reynard wants to send her home for her own good? A thousand years later, a descendant of Isobel’s sister travels to England to delve into her family’s history…and discovers that the ruined castle on the hill is not totally abandoned. These two stories, “Payer of Tribute” and “Demon on the Hill,” were originally published in GOOD GUYS WEAR FANGS 4.